The requirements for membership are that the applicant is male, is over twenty-one years of age, and has a belief in some form of supreme being. This does not mean that one has to belong to any particular faith or church, as the Order has no political or religious affiliations, and discussion of religion and politics within a Masonic lodge is strictly forbidden, as it is likely to cause division rather than harmony. Would-be-members usually approach the Order from one of two routes. If you already know a member you may enquire via that person, or perhaps be invited to consider joining. If you do not know any members then you can apply directly either via this website, or through the Grand Lodge of Ireland website. Membership involves commitments on both sides and it is important that people learn about these before becoming a member. The major commitment is time to attend meetings and fully participate in the activities of the lodge. There is also a small financial commitment. If you are interested in finding out more about joining then members of the Order are available to meet with you and explain in detail what is involved. If you are interested in learning more about Freemasonry in North Munster and the details and history of the Masonic Lodges meeting there, then the rest of this website will help you.
Membership enquiry form
North Munster Lodge Center
Castle St, King's Island,
V94 V2H7