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Appendant Bodies


Within Freemasonry there are a number of Appendant Bodies or Masonic Orders that an enthusiastic brother may apply to join or be invited to join. The requirements for membership may be somewhat different from those of the entry level lodges and usually several years of involvement as a freemason are expected before joining one of these orders. The appendant bodies that meet in North Munster are a District Grand Royal Arch Chapter, with three subordinate Chapters, Eden Council of Knight Masons, the North Munster Preceptory of High Knights Templar and the Garryowen Rose Croix Chapter.


District Grand Royal Arch Chapter


The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland Link to GC. governs the fraternities of Royal Arch Masons and Mark Master Masons, and the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of North Munster is a part of this. The degrees of Mark Master Mason and Royal Arch Mason are complimentary to membership of the lodge and have for centuries been considered an essential though separate part of the Masonic Order. Three individual Chapters are involved in the District and each also constitutes a Lodge of Mark Master Masons. The elaborate and highly symbolic ritual of this branch is based on the reconstruction of the temple of King Solomon by King Josiah as described in the Old Testament.

Eden Council of Knight Masons


Eden Council of Knight Masons was established as recently as 1995 by the joint effort of freemasons from Dublin and from Limerick. Master Masons, having become Mark Master Masons and Royal Arch Masons, can become Knight Masons after one year. They may request to join a Council and do not have to wait to be invited. The impressive ritual of Knight Masonry is based on events surrounding the rebuilding of Solomon’s temple following the return from the Babylonian exile. The Grand Council of Knight Masons (Link to Grand Council) was formed in Dublin to perpetuate these workings, which had previously been under the control of other branches.


North Munster Preceptory


The North Munster Preceptory is part of The United Religious and Military orders of the Temple, and of St John of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta (Link to Great Priory) and is based on the structures of the orders of crusading knights. This masonic body dates its activities in Ireland to the late eighteenth century. Admission is by invitation only and is applicable to aspirants who confess the Christian Faith and express a belief in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.  A candidate for Knight Templar masonry must also be a subscribing member of at least 5 years standing in a Craft Lodge, and a subscribing member of at least 2 years standing in a Royal Arch Chapter.


The Ancient and Accepted Rite for Ireland


The Ancient and Accepted Rite for Ireland was brought to Ireland from America in 1824 after its dramatic expansion there. Membership of the Ancient and Accepted Rite is by invitation only.

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